Raimon Xhu lore (this kinda combines fanfic with ingame lore stuff, just so ya know) | Fandom (2024)

(yes, from that poll 4-5 days ago, yes, this is copied straight from a google doc, yes, I changed the lore since I wrote this, yes, fandom didn't copy the text styles (titles/heading 1/heading 2, etc.), yes, I had like 11 OCs back then, yes, I didn't do pings, and also yes, I'm an idiot for not asking for pings)

And yes, the word yes has lost all meaning after you read that up there⬆

Anyways enjoy!

Act one

Part one: The Flashback

Chapter 1: A Deadly Fight

The ship moved slowly to the shore, all its lanterns extinguished. A plank was extended onto the island, making a dull thunk. A cloaked figure stepped off it onto the stone shore, swords glinting in the moonlight. Two others accompanied him, also shrouded in dark cloaks. “Tell me again why we’re here, Raimon,” said the shortest.

“I told you. The assassin is here, so we are here to capture him. We must capture him, so don’t go in all spells firing, Cassia.”

“And why do we need him alive?”

“Dead people don’t sell out their comrades.”

The third cloaked figure muttered, “And why am I wearing this junk instead of my armor?”

“I told you Regan, this coat is more resistant to Snow Magic,” Raimon replied. “Really, with all these complaints, I think I would have been able to better rely on a couple of the sailors!”

“No, I’m your brother. You can rely on me. I want to save him as much as you do!”

“SHH! I hear footsteps!” said the second figure. Then, the assassin stepped into the moonlight. He was clad in black, with a red cloak; He had a red hood and mask also. “You should keep your voices down when there is an enemy about, even if he already knows you're there” He said, his voice as cold and hard as ice. A chill ran up Raimon’s spine. They had been betrayed. The assassin conjured a blast of snow. “Freezing Pulse! I don't know what you want from me, but I ain’t telling you nuthin’! Freezing Pulse! Freezing Pulse!”

“Shade Lotus!” Cassia yelled, firing a spiky ball of shadow at the assassin. “You cannot win, you fiend! There are three of us! Umbral order!” A giant explosion of shadow erupted right behind the assassin, knocking him forward, and making his spell go wild, shooting straight up before exploding in a burst of snow.

“I may not win, but I’ll kill one of you, or my name isn’t Eddie Sprint!”, the assassin yelled, conjuring yet another blast. “Give up! Ion Blast!” Raimon yelled, firing a blast of plasma at Eddie.

The fight continued like this for nearly an hour, with Raimon, Regan, and Cassia not getting very hurt, but Eddie was seriously injured. Then, Raimon slipped on a patch of snow that the footsteps had compacted into ice. That momentary lapse in his concentration as he tried to regain his balance was enough for Eddie to land a hit directly on his head, concussing him and knocking him unconscious. A minute later, Raimon awoke, and one second later he was firing spells again, despite a massive headache. Just then, Eddie revealed the ace up his sleeve: he was also a master of Metal Magic. He shot a beam of it, nearly missing Raimon, but just barely managed to hit him in a vulnerable area on the top of his head where the bone of his skull was not so thick. Concussion and unconsciousness were almost immediate. The last thing Raimon heard before darkness claimed his vision was the sound of a glass bottle shattering...

Chapter two: The Mysterious Stranger

Raimon awoke to find himself in a strange white room. It seemed massive, but small at the same time. His head felt as if the assassin’s spell had knocked something loose in it. [Removed because this might break Fandom ToS] He felt as if the thing that had been knocked loose in his head had somehow fallen even more out of place. He suddenly heard the sounds of a city coming from behind him. He turned, and what he saw shocked him. He was suddenly standing in Rubica’s busy marketplace, with merchants calling out prices of food, armor, weapons, ingredients, spices, sails, repairs, and more. Bronze Legion soldiers walked around, hands on their swords. A cloaked figure walked past him into an alleyway. Something about the cloaked figure seemed familiar… Then he remembered, realized who the figure was. He was the figure, and he was in his own memory somehow!

He followed himself, taking care not to be seen, though it was likely that no one could see him. Younger Raimon took a sharp turn left, and stopped at the end of the alley. He leaned against a wall, as if waiting for someone. He didn’t have to wait long. A hooded man walked into the alley. “You said you had information for me, Harper?” Raimon asked.

“Yes. For a price.”

“Name it.”

“Sailing as part of your crew for 3 months, or until I see fit to leave.”

“All right.”

“I don’t know where the assassin currently is, but I know where he will be in a week.”


“Harvest Island.”

Older Raimon noticed that Harper had one hand behind his back, but the alley dissolved before he could see what was in it. He was back in that blank white space again, until-

He was on a smallish island, mostly taken up by crops, but there was a small field with a pair of huts on one side. Three young boys were playing in the field, and one of them was conjuring rubies onto sticks. Just then, a strange purple light began to encase one of the boys’ right arm. He screamed in pain, and the purple light became fire that spread across the field, forming a ring around him.

The scene grew fuzzy, and with the fuzziness came another headache, but from what Raimon could make out, someone came with a bucket of water, destroyed the purple fire on the boy’s hand, and brought him indoors. The scene grew fuzzier, and he could barely see from the sky that about three weeks had passed. The scene grew clearer, and when it did, he saw a ship coming towards the island. He decided to go into the hut.

The boy lay on a small bed, with his arm in a bowl of cold water. There was a small white bump right below his wrist. Then, realization hit him like a blacksmith’s hammer. He was the boy lying in the bed! The thing in his head seemed to fall out of its nook and shatter, but not before leaving a small piece deeply embedded in his mind. Memories came rushing back like tsunamis, and he accepted them one by one, eager to remember.

There was a knock at the door, startling him. The door opened, revealing a man dressed in sharkskin, dyed black. He appeared to be unarmed, but there was a small bulge in his shirt that could mean a dagger was concealed there. A door at the far end of the room burst open and a man in brown robes who must have been Raimon’s father walked through it. “Who are you?” He asked. The man in sharkskin replied, “Call me… Sharky. Yes. Sharky. That’s what they call me. So. That’s what you call me. It’s my name. Sometimes. When my actual name requires privacy. Now. I saw that fireball two kilometers away from this island. Your son must be powerful indeed. But he’s also dangerous. I can help with that. I can take him to a place where his power can be… restrained… until we are finished teaching him how to use it.” Raimon’s father argued against this for a while, until eventually he gave in. “Excellent,” Sharkey said. “We shall leave when he wakes up.”

“Can we at least wait until tomorrow?” Young Raimon asked, waking up. “I want pancakes before I leave.”

“Of course,” Sharkey said.

Chapter Three: Through The Waterfall

The next morning, Sharkey led Young Raimon to his ship, a magnificent blue caravel with bronze cannons. Sharkey abruptly stopped, and said, “I sense great power in him, too,” pointing to Ramon’s cousin, who lived in another hut. “I can take him too.”

There was a brief argument, but in the end Sharkey won and it was decided that Stanford should go along with them. On the ship, they were each given a cracker and sent to the front, where two other boys who were sitting in chairs, who introduced themselves as Morden and Tucker. Raimon and Stanford also introduced themselves, and over the next few days, they became close friends.

It took them four weeks to travel to their destination, and no one (except the crew and captain) really knew where it was. When they finally got there, all they found was a small, cliffy island with a waterfall. The ship headed straight towards the waterfall, slowing only slightly. Raimon thought he was going to be marooned on the island, because there must surely be solid rock behind the waterfall, right? But no. The ship sailed right through the waterfall, drenching everyone.

There was a small cavern behind the waterfall, and there was nothing in the cavern except a dock with a ketch, two other caravels, and four brigs, a small ramp leading down, and a small outcropping on the far wall, from which a man in a green coat was overseeing things (hello, @JoguyX). The crew unloaded a small amount of cargo, then Raimon, Stanford, Morden, and Tucker were each brought to a separate, small room with only a toilet, bed, and desk in it.

The next few days of the memory passed in a blur. Then, during the 3rd day of his stay there, he was called to an office. The office had a large slab of a stone table in the middle. A large iron arm with an orb at the end of it protruded from the ceiling, over the table. There were people in white robes clustered around an identical orb on a pedestal. One of them had a blue hat.

One of them said, “Thank you for joining us here, Raimon.”

“As if I could not come. The guards persuaded me in a very… forceful… manner.” Raimon rubbed a bruise that had formed on his back when a guard prodded him with a mace. The man in the blue hat muttered something. “What did you say?” asked Raimon.

“Nothing… I need you to lie on the table and let us strap you up to it-”


“-because the ethereal restraints we’re gonna put on your magic could cause your body to-”


“-snap in two by the spine bending backwards too much-”


“-and that wouldn't be good, would it?”



It took exactly 3.0000000000000000453 hours to calm Raimon down. When he finally agreed to get on the table, the robed doctors attached leather cuffs to his arms and legs, a collar around his neck, and a strip across his forehead. Then the man with the hat, finger glowing, began to fiddle with the orb on the pedestal. A robed man came over to Raimon, put a leather bag stuffed with cotton in Raimon’s mouth and said, “Here, bite this. It might hurt a little.”

Before Raimon could translate this from ‘It might hurt a little’ to 'It will most definitely hurt very much’, the orb on the ceiling-arm spewed a stream of blue energy into Raimon’s chest. It felt like getting struck by lightning. The memory began to flicker, and Old Raimon only got to see bits of what was happening.

Once, he saw a large, pulsing blue orb dripping blue liquid into Young Raimon’s mouth. Another time, the man in the green coat (Hello, JoguyX… again) talking with Hat Man, and gesturing to a piece of paper in Hat Man’s hand.

Then the memory faded for good, and Raimon awoke, staring at the ceiling of his office on his ship. He looked left and saw Regan sleeping on a chair, his head hanging off the back, snoring. Raimon attempted to get up, but he was too weak to stand.

I can’t… STAND UP? How long was I unconscious? He thought. The loud bang from him falling over woke up Regan, who said, “RAIMON! Thank Poseidon you’re awake! You must see what’s happened!”

Part 2: The Assassins

Chapter Four: Retaking The Ship

Regan helped Raimon over to a window and moved the thick curtains covering it. He pushed the curtains out of the way, revealing his crew members, all tied and bound with handcuffs that pulsed with an eerie blue light. “Wave magic,” Raimon hissed. “Wave magic bound to Arcanium handcuffs- almost impossible to escape by force. We need a plan.”

“And what is that plan?”

“Who else is trapped in here? I’m assuming we’re trapped here, right?”

“Yes, the assassins trapped us here. As for who else is here, there’s Cassia and Enizor. Everyone else has been captured.”

Raimon looked out the window again and saw that, indeed, everyone had been captured, even old Ambrose Snow, which was probably a good idea on the assassins’ part; Raimon had seen him use his Wind Magic to send people over the mast last time they were attacked by pirates. He felt rage boil inside him. He stood, grabbed his weapons, and said, “We need no plan! Come: we retake this floating hunk of wood right now!

He kicked the door open, summoned a blast of plasma, and vaporized one of the assassins. Enizor drew a small dagger and fought one three assassins at once. Regan, swinging his greatsword, beheaded two and knocked another four unconscious. Cassia petrified an assassin with Ash Magic, then went and freed the crew.

The fight lasted another four seconds. Raimon’s crew won.

Raimon walked down the stairs to the lower deck. He walked over to a cage set in the wall, where Eddie Sprint was kept. It didn’t look like much, just a metal panel in the wall, but it could be opened. He opened it. “Eddie. Tell me what you know or DIE.”

“I ain’t telling you nothing!”

“I can make this quite painful for you,” said Raimon, picking up a small vial of potion. “I only have to prick you with a needle with this stuff on it and you will be in agony for hours. It’s quite potent.”

“I won’t tell you…”

“I’m getting out the needle.”


“I’m unlocking the door.”


“ You have three seconds.”

“All Right! All Right! I’ll tell you, just don’t put that in me!”

“So where is it?”

“...A small, unnamed island in the Nimbus Sea. Here, I have a map.”

“Thank you.”

Raimon kicked the assassin in the ribs, making him wince. “I have a surprise for you: we’ll drop you off at Silverhold on our way past, and they’ll be nice enough to give you a nice execution.” The assassin paled. “I-I don’t think that’s-”

With a single movement, Raimon unsheathed his dagger and stabbed the assassin in the chest.

And here's where I stopped

Yes it was planned to be longer but I'm probably not gonna finish it anytime soon (or ever, as I said, Raimon's lore has been changed a lot so it would be easier to just write a whole new loredoc)

Raimon Xhu lore (this kinda combines fanfic with ingame lore stuff, just so ya know) | Fandom (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.