The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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5g THE PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY MAY 26 1966 List Posts 4th Straight No News Being Good News to Pros By Morrie BXicfcmia BLUE CHIPS 401 4 34 33 34 42 43' 13 103 30 29 IH 39' 62? 14 13S 52 6ft 42 1ft 35 4 86 ft 111 ft 38 ft 39 102ft 102 34 6 69 116 85 69 sn and 96 1 ft 1 1 24 120 3 2714 40 40'4 40' 51 50' 40 4 1 36 ft 1 4 1' 50 57 25 24 1 14 22 21 14 1 96 14 25 22 1 14 174 119696 9 33 40 3 92 1 14 96 14 14 6814 60 ft 120 94 2 29 14 29 ft 18 4 1 114 next TOONS 7'4 50 lb 8114 14 14 5 2 2 14 14 footnotes 14 15 51' 50 1 3614 36 28 85 4614 1 2 14 5844 2 14 110 114 1'4 14 14 OtCAUOf 9 147 4 6 12'4 14 38'4 38'4 27'4 25 160 14 46 36 14 7 59 4 14 14 96 14 114 14 13' 18'4 17 13 14 14 4 Stockbrokers ToKndw 9 46 65 251 4 16 16 62 64 1' 30 Market Statistics 28 20 14 30 5 14 43 34'4 Jaguar 1 24 4 24 34 4t 114 425 30 28 ft July 0 25 32 32 14 ft 58 39 14 48 5 2 36 10 2345 2231 9 8 17 3 17 31 88 20 42 52 18 74 7 2 19 20 37 20 31 9 60 44 16 26 16 10 11 7 12 39 52 9 14 26 6 11 6 99 18 14 30 I 37 9 7 12 10 2 55 85 50 500 60 49 98 20 160 280 18 1140 13 2 37 23 61 8 57 19 14 64 31 16 60 44 38 31 59 44 117 100 30 9 '3 47 38 27 25 17 27 15 9 32 19 31 it 14 830 6 118 5 9 181 J4 5 6 IV 215 88 11 14 60 63 10 19 19 11 28 20 2074 2914 604 13 47 33'4 12 50 11 56 134 10 8 40 14 35 43 4714 18 43 50 19 70b: 120 108 8 47 14 24 10 88 107 86 10 1100 9 19 7 34 4 103 677 141 19 3 40 1 36 54 9 14 168 112 160 102 46 23 11 46 6 22 1 18 88 30 X27 10 2140 33 4 35 25 124 58 18 '5 27 15 9 3314 7 9 39 2 26112 107 38 87 47 2 9 45 4 35 44 16 35? 44 16 0 504 12 7 19 17 6 5 66 11 too 130 (70 250 7 RtC8025 54 42 33 10 10 225 16 3 3 11 16 11 5 3 1 48 108 36 11 143 49 7 31 1 53 162 1 59 32 37 44 90 19 10 84 26 9 7 23 io 6 64 23 59 24 12 16 Inc Ckt 15070 67 30 14 40 7 J7 1 2 134 3 26 3 31 11 6 32 price active Stock 22 5 4 10 53 x5 23 5X22 18 163 332 26 34 50 79 39 31 18 25 22 18 55 49 16 26 41 1 25 77 24435 13060a 130 2 1 17 38 29 36 3814 51 28 30 37 32 36 10 11 am 45 4 78 70 44 16 12 16 87 36 45 19 28 2 55 33 24 55 18 20 44 45 4 54 294 12 22 46 29 19 22 Industrials Railroads Utilities Stocks 36 82 12 49 21 Nat Chg 1 23 54 4 42 20 33 23 120 Bl 2 18 150 25 40 57 WILL MIMNAtt YOUR IM ARB OAIUALTT IMNCYTTBreOLLAR WRITE BOX BMW DEALER 20 77 0 2 2 42 2 68 6I 23 6 '4 37 43 26 40 19 36 18 73 37 21 1 22 194 126 X3 22 4 46 x38 y60 y200 37 20 1938 41 50 32 67 31 45 22 21 37 44 16 40 37 2 8 19 294 14 X100 18 J(M) 159 12 32 24 22 32 23 17 36 2150 29 39 67 46 37 36 27 54 2R 14 16 40 1 32 20 24 11 24 33 2713 52 23 16 21 27 63 17 28 33 25 51 141 67' 63 19'4 42 35 58" 40 'i 25' 4 7914 1 6214 14 28 14 14 84'4 80 42U 21 3114 28 12 31'4 33 32 66 31'J 87'4 4914 32 60'4 30 1414 18 43 50 20 14 10 35 34 21 25 4514 61 17 53 34 15 97 34 13 NYStEG 170 Niag MP 110 NifttfM pf525 NiagM pH90 NiagM pf360 NiagM pf34 Niag Shr 55e NopcoCh 120 NorflkWat 6a Noma Th I 20'S 14 43 79 72 18 3 38 17 48 25 18 82 6837 8707 4 18 48 5 34 41 90 56 38 27 38 51 33 93 81 47 5 34 40 90 56 54 107 19 26 71 20 20' 14 6s 33 40 20 25 79 62 28 43 150 38 17 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34 47 1 wi 13 33 47 Taft Brd 50 Taicott 1 Talon Inc 80 1 Tampa El 52 Tandy Corp TechMat 26t Tektronix Telautogra Teledyne Inc Tenneco 116 Texaco 240a 105 201 22 150 4 11 29 38 67 45 24 28 77 1 1 44 55 45 29 31 8 31 63 22'4 34 27 43 70 21 9Q 124 117 62 16 43 49 IN 4 38 47 24 21 4 11 54 50 56 26 51 23 35 23 20 10 34 44 26 21 21 19 38 33 3 16 71 5 40 50f40 pa 31 34 260 02 3 13 16 6552 31 31 38 29 54 24 27 47 23 46C 20 284 47 12 39 33 13 273 37 13 3 12 65 19 38 18 23 44 86 4 21 34 10 31 69 80 79 11 19 46 60 36 S2 53 9 44 74 28 14 39 39 29 28 43'43 16 39 37 32 11 20 660 37 70 120 118 1 110 12 39 42 18U 30 34 9 40 28 20 32 23 18 85 17 21 36 56 16 48 49 30 32 At 7 24 48 25 77 28 21 54 19 28 48 21 18 21 81 58 95 22 21 16 52 i 34 17 34 48 88 19 23 41 4 32 20 24 11 23 43 2 28 28 14 5114 52 19'4 18 6114 7014 3214 Cl '4 15 1611 1615 16 8114 14 28 33 14 28 1148 14 25'4 3714 14 1 31 40 10 19 33 34 53 11 410 47 2 46 21 31ft 31 60 10 X8 51 36'4 57 28' 98 3 320 7 9 101 7 1 6 3 35 34 21'4 25 44 5 16 60 41 2474 71 72 12 is: 98 38 31 20 33 33 37 3 113 10 14 CLOSED 30 cents cents lower thin th 60 43 '62ft 28ft 28 27 36ft 4 4 13 13 23 2 68 "66 73 73 15' 16 21 20 40 15 34 11 26 36 33 38 57 56 ItB 106 31 69 21 24 37 10 if 17 36 30ft 87 33 77 33 85 28 77 21 55 29 48 18 58 GPubSvc Pubtit Refric Gen Sig StUnd GTel KI Gen Time 50 Gen The 80 Tire pf 5 Geneseo 180 GaPcific lb GaPscifie wt GaPac pfl64 GerberIM 90 Getty Oil 10e Giant PC 80 Gibralt 126t Gillette 120 GimbeIR 1801 Ginn Co 72' Glen Aid 70 Glidden 88 Globel'n 60a Goodrch 220 Goodyr 125: GouldRat 140 GraceCo 130 Granbs' 50 GrandU 60b Granites 140 Grnnitev 140 Grant 110 GIAmlns 240 GIAAP 120 GtNoIr 140g Gt Nor Pap GINorP pf4O Gt Nor Ry 3 Gt West inl GtWSui 160a Green Refr 1 GreenSh 110 Greyhnd 90 Greyh cvpf Grolier 75e I GrumnAIrc 1 GulfMO 220a Gulf 011 2 GulfStallt 80 GulfWnln wi Gulf Wn 50b GulfW pf350 Gust Rac 60 Hack 160 HaltPrt 140a Halllburi 170 Hallici aft HamWat 160 Ham Pan 180 HmdOrg 140 HanesCp 90 Hanna Mng 1 HarbWlk 180 Hardeman Harris Int 80 HancoCp 90 Harshaw 120 HartSchM 80 Harv Al 120 Hat Corp 40 naw rjiec Haw Tel 80 Hayes 160b Haseltine Cp HeclaMn Site Heins HJ 120s Helene Curtis 1 Hell Coil 1 HellerWK 50 1 HelmeProd 1 elmreli 10g i Here Inc 40e HershCho 90 Herts 120 HessOAC 30 1 Heuhlein 1 HewPack 20 High Voltage 1 HiltonHot JO 71 22 47 31 86 93 31 27 28 112 105 15 15 133 128 29si 12 22 39H 37'4 10 34 42 33 12 25 25 00 4 NAmCar 90b NAmCoal 50 NorlndPS 92 NorNGas 220 NoNG pf580 Nor Pac 260 NSta Pw 144 NSPw pf36Q Northrop 1 NwstAirl 120 Airl wi NwBan 17a NwtStlW 140 Norton 150 Norwich 130 NuTone 90 NuTon pfl28 NVif uo Occident OhioEriis Oh Ed pf390 Okla GE 92 OklaNGs 112 OlinMath 160 Opelika 1 OrangeRk 96 Otis Elev 2 Outb Mar 80 Outlet Co 65 OverTran HO OwensCg 140 Owens III 135 OwensiH pf4 OxfdMfgA 60 Oxford Pap 29 53 9 15 34 54 39 36' 624 5 30'4 34 34 68 tab Con 59 AbexCn nt ACT' Ind 226 Acme Mkt 2h Jldnml 214e Ad yills 4)a Address 140 Admiral 1 Admiral wi Aerooulp 99 Air Prrwt 29 Air Red 250 AJ Industries Ata Gas 180 Alberto Culv AIrnnAlu 90 Alleg Corp Aileg 6pt 69 AilegLud 229 Alleg Pw 114 Alimin 149a Allied lW'h 85 Ail ed Pd 50 AltiedStr 330 AibedSup 69 AllisChai 75 Alpharc 50 29 ft 38 18 293'41(1 98 100 4 4S 4'i 18 36 28 112 15 133 59 29 31 17 21 40 9 5 USPipe 120 US Play 112e USPlywd 140 US Rub 120 SRub pf 8 US Shoe 120 USSmelt 59 US Steel 2 176 US Tub L60a x3 Unit Util 76 33 Unit Whelan 6 Univ Amer 37 univ tear i UnivOPd 140 Upjohn 148 Uris Bldg 60 Utah PL 152 UTD Corp 1 15 73 16 21120 56 11 3 22 18 62'4 23 40 38 30ft 52 17 11 45 58 35 81 39 41 18 30 23 37 33 36 46 43 116 38 31 64 71 33 49 33 18 33 1714 102 190 40 27 81 23 83 42 25 St 1 9 sn Silos LP 94 SL Sanran 2 StLSan pfS StRegP 140b SanDGas 164 San Imper Sanders 30b Sangamo 40 SaeDrill 40 SavannhEP 1 Schenlcy 140 Schnlcy p(50 Schering 1 Schick Schlmbg 120 SCM Cp 40b Scott ore Scott Paper 1SeovillMt 120 ScrewBIt 10p Scab AL 180 Seabin 120 Seagrve 40b SearlGD 130 Sears Roe la Seeburg 60 Seilon Inc servei Servoma ShamOG Sharon Stl Shattuck Shell Oil ShellTra ShellT fn 43e Shellcr Mt lb Sheraton 40a Sher Wni 190 ShoeCp Am 1 Siegel HI 68 Signode 120 Simmon 1206 SimpPat lb Sinclair 240 SingerCo 220 Skelly Oil 2a Skil Corp 90 SmithAO 120 SmithK 180a Smucker 60 SolaBasic 60 SooLine 150e SoCaroEG 1 SouPR Sugar Sou PRS prj SoeastPS 108 SouCalE 125 South Co 96 4 106' 19 26 71 39 55 834 103 103 12 49 Net High Low close Chg 11 44 76 19 28 76 38 18 13 14 48 22 58 42 37 33 19 24 24 57 21 25 23 7 25 59 35 3 34 20 30 39 34 18 3 38 39 49 JIS 06 85 5 46 6 24 250 3 7 15 26 23 47 23 I8'i 25 17 High 3245 3331 35 63 311 55 42 3436 34 34 35 26 20 4 20 12 4 B19 6(V 2 100 5S6 9 1 5 10 3 51 55 150 7 45 31 1 2316' 31 147 14 9 2 6 X24 37 12 39 33 18 27 6 4 6 58 34 92 43 98 33 40 41 3B 17 22 178 23 X15 6 36 29 04 2 13 47 31 5 21 25 54 26 24 10 STOCKS IN THE SPOTUGHT NEW YORK (AP)S closing pride and net change of the fifteen most ac tive stocks traded on the NY Sock Ex 4 IHU1HC Gen Am Oil Magnavox Dtsiil Seag Bunker Hill SCM Corp Starry Rd Am Tel Tel Tran Air East Air Raytheon Am Airlift Martin Gen Motors Roan sol Tr Ralst Pur 23 60 60 68 50 89 30 64 45 66 82 23 69 Gam Skn GamSk pfl6O Gar Wood GardDen 150 Garlock n60 Accept 120 GenAccpt pfl GenAcc pf60 GAmln 274e GAmOil 40b GA Tran 145 GenAnii 40 Gen Baking GenBanc 48 Gen Bronae Cable 160 Gen Cable wl Gen Ctg 120 GenCon 07e GenDynam 1 (Jen Elec 260 Geninan 1 i Genirepfg 1 Gen ds 220 Geninstr 96t GenMills 140 GenMot '220e Mot 5pf 5 GenPCem 80 GenPrec 120 GPrec pfl60 7 47 38 18 29 9 19 10 37 31 17ft 75ft 43 41S 10 30 23 5 72 33 50 33 18 33 17 107 102 4 27 81 24'4 84 42 Steal aarriee tenter toeUng far a man with alllUaff leveling end aheartag experience UNIVERSAL STEEL CO Call 883 4972 0600 Graat Ave Cleveland 3 Lab Electron Lac Gas 125 LaneBry lio Lanv Ritz 50 IAtrobeSt 60 Lear Sieg 60 LeedsNor 50 Leesona 40 LehPorCem 1 Leh Vai Ind LVInd pfl5O Lehman 169e 1 LeonardR 60 1J3G1S 280a LibbMcN 27t 5 UlyTulip 120 UngTVght lb LingTVgt p(3 LinkBIt 180a Lionel Corp 23 4 Z160 120 10 24 16 67 37 11' 71 51 11 3q 45 24 33 40 19 53 79 13 30 53 8 44 4 74 1 28 1 14 71 70 1 54 2 84 36 Litton Ind Litton ptc pg Litton cvpf 3 LivingsO 43f LockhdA 220 Loews Theat LoneS Cem 1 LoneSGa 112 LonglaLt 106 Loral Corp Lonitard 250 Lonllard pf7 IxuisGE 118 Lou Nash 4a Lowenstn 80 LuckySt 160b Ludlow 164 Ixikens Stl 1 Lykes SS 80 Lyttonn 28t MacAnd 120 MackTr 2Nf MacyRH 140 Madd pfl 20 Mad 241a Mad Sq Gar MadSG pf60 MagmaCop 3 Magnvx n80 Mallory' 140 ManShirt 56 Marathn 220 Mareniont 1 Mar Mid 130 Marquar 25a Marq Cmt 1 Marshield 2 Mart in Mar 1 Md Cup 30r Masonite 120 Massey 1 Massey fn 1 MayDStr 160 May 47pf375 Mays JW 80 Maytag 160a MCA Inc MCA Pf 150 McCall 40b McCord 120 McCrory 120 McCro pf45O McCrorySpf 6 McDerm 120 McDonAir 80 McGwEd 120 MoGr Hill I McGreg A 1 McIntyre 280 McKee 150 McKess 170 McLean 60a McLouth 160 McNeil Cp lb McQuav 110 Mead Cp 170 MedusaC 120 MelV Sh 125 MelvShoe pf4 1 MercanS 14 Merck 120a Meredith 120 Merritt Chap MesabiT 40a MestaM 250a MGM 160 Metromed MichTube MContTel MidSontil Midld Ross 2 MidldRoss wi? MiehleGD 90 Miles Lab I MinerCh 120 Minn Ent 1 MinnMM 120 Minn Pw Lt 1 Miss Cp 190 Mission Dev Miss River 1 Mo Kan Tex MP Cem 160 MobilOii 320 MoPubS 80b MobilOii wi Mohasco 80 i Monarch 1 MonR A 356e Monon RR Monsan 160b MontDU 140 MontPow 148 MontWard 1 Moore Me 60 Morrell 25p Morse Sh 50 Mosiersi Motorola MtuelS MtSt TT MSL Ind Munsung 130 Murphy 120 MurphOU 50 MurpO pf490 1 NalcoChm 80 Acme 140a Nat Aero 60 28 95 1 64 19 51 64 Z100 3 4 yio 17 47 1 12 20 78 22 55 82 112 44 66 25 85 371 60 48 66 13 87 10 27 85 1 13 23 25 28 16 27U Mft ft 9ft ft 72 30ft ftft ft 14ft ft 29ft 57ft lift 374 39ft 37ft 9ft 24ft 24ft 51ft 58ft 22 26ft 7ft 31 "4 134 62 2214 224 31ft 10ft 48 ft 39ft 37 ft 1 ft lift 25ft 14 Ml 47 40'4 Mft 55 16ft 43ft 10ft 70' 46'4 2214 17ft 57ft 4314 41ft 10 2714 24ft Volume slipped to 583 million shares from 722 mil lion Tuesday and was the smallest since March 17 when 546 million shares changed hands 160 159 1 30 OK 19 17 48 25 19'4 83 47 26 35 31 32 40 20 37 85 28 70 25 31 39 23 10 5 '19 56 20 18 11 31 B30 16 24 27 29 33 25 35 36 40 21 a 33 17 11 16 25 44 62 25 89 68 51 67 40 8 66 87 15 66 69 6 11 8 633 168 19 2 6 9 11 J14 E7 12 28 13 60 22 14 18 54 25 41 36 34 33 15 47 82 13 32 18 27" 32m31 40 37 34 33 30 29 43 45 44 98' (98" 31 27 21 21 PacG El PacIntE Pac Ltff Pac Petrol PacPwLt 116 PacSwAir 80 120 pf 6 Pac Tin 60a Packard Bell 1 Pan A Sul 6 Pan Am 60 Panh EP 140 Paper erf 36 ParamPict 2 ParkeDav la Parker Han ParkPen 80b Peab Coal 1 Pennpixie 60 Penn rt Penney 150a Pennsalt la Pa Co pf463 PaGSand 160 Pa PwLt 148 PaPL pf 450 Pa RR 160a Pennzoil 140 PeopDrz 110 PeopGas 172 PepstCo 160 PepGnBot 70 Perkin Elm Permian 50 Pet Milk 1 PetMilk pf80 Petrolane 70 PetroIm 137e PfizerC 120a Phelp 340a Phila El 148 Phil Rdg 120 Philin Morris Phill Pet 92ft PhllVaH 127t nusDury i Piper A 140a Pitney Bow 1 Pit co*ke 40 Pitorg 140a PitPlate 260 Pit Steel 38e Pittston 120 Plough 80 Polaroid 20 Poor Co 150 i Porter pf550 Potom El rt' Potom El 88 Pot Elpf wi Procter 2 PubSvCol 90 PSvcEG 146 PSEG pfl 40 PubSInd 176 PSInd p(350 PSlnd pfl08 Publklnd 36f Publnd o(475 Pueblo Su 40 PR Cem 110 PugSPL 160 Pullman 280 PurexCp 64b Purex pf 135 QuakOat 220 QuakSt 140b RCA 80 RalstonPur 1 Ranco In 80a Rayette 48 Raym Int i 60 7 Rayonier 140 Raytheon 80 Reading Co Reading 1 pf Reading 2 pf RedOwl St 1 Reed Roll la ReevesB 130 ReichCh 20a Rehab str 80 RelianEl 110 Republic Cp RepubSteel 2 RevereC 220 Revlon 130 Revlon pfl RexChn 120 Rcxall 30b Reyn Met 75 ReyM pf450 Reyn Tob 2 RheemM 120 Rhelngold 20 RichMer 115 RiegelPap 80 RitterPfaud 1 Roan Sei 87g RobertCont 1 RobtnAH 60 RochGE lb Roch Tel 84 Rock Std 150 RohmH 160 Rohr Corp 1 Ronson 60b Roper GD 1 RorerWm 1 RoyCCola 60 Roy Dut 89e RoyD fn 185g Ruberoid 180 RussTogs 80 RyanAero 20 Kyaersy Safeway StJosLd 598 25 5 6 54 15 1021 3 IL 36 5 30' 17 52 25 IngerRand 2 Inland Stl 2 Inspiratn 50e Interchm 120 Interco 140 InterlkSt 180 IntBusM 440 Intlavr 50 Int Harv 180 JntMiner 120 Int Mng 40a Int Nick 280a inti Packers hit Pap 120a Int Pap pt 4 Int PipeCer 1 IntlRect 137t int Salt 75e Int Silver 1 Int TAT 135 IntTAT pfB4 IntTAT pH) 4 IntTP pf 4 Int Utilities Int Util pfl32 IntBaker 160 InterDSt 52b nuersrw la EILP la I1IGE Iowa PL lowaPsv Jsl CrkCl I KU ITE 112 3 16 30 34 16ft NEW YORK The market weathered some mild profit taking yesterday and summoned enough late strength to post its fourth straight daily advance 94 1814 14 17ft 37ft ft 19 10ft ft 2214 94 90 ft 38ft ft 67ft ft 34ft 94 11 94 30 8894 94 98V 94 439494 73 ft01414 85 ft 40 20 ft 38 87 ft 2814 71 26 32 39ft 23ft 104 VallyMld 120 VanadCp 140 varian as VascoMet 90 Veederln 160 Vendo Co 50 Victor 30 VaElPw 128 VaEP pf 5 VaEP pM80 VonGroc 120 Vornado Inc VSI Corp 60x Vulcan Mat 1 WagnEl 120 Wlgreen 130 WalkerH 120 WallMurr 70 WallTler 110 Walworth Co 18 Ward oods 24 WamBro 120 warm puuu amPict 50 Wam Co 144 WamLatnb 1 WarLam pf 4 Warn Sw 160 WarrnBro 80 Warr SD 140 WashGas 148 WashWat 108 Webb Del Weis Mkt 60 Welbilt 05c WelchSd 40a Wesco 80t Westcst Tran WstPt Pep 2 54 107 1994 2714 72 42ft 8594 12ft 50 ft 8ft 28 14 70 70 5114 84 ft 3fi 117 1174 31ft 36 10 2114 21 2 25 12 6 70 6 51ft Satae (Hds) RSh Low Close 48 2 35 70 47 13 68 32ft 2394 30 33 20 24 89 11280 6 9 55 10 103 34 54410 13 16 10s 14 31 4 6 4 18 11(1 WVaPulp 150 16 Westn AlrL 1B wnnanc ixu WstnMd 160a WstnPac 220 WUnTel 140 Wn Un pt460 5 WstgABk 180 WestgEl 140 Weyberg 120 Weyerhr 140 Wheelg Steel Whirl Cp 160 WhiteCn 217t WhiteC pf550 WhiteCon pf2 White White SR 1 White Str lb WickesCn 90 Wilson Co 2 11 WinnDix 132 12 WisElPw 116 41 WiscPSvc 86 x3 WitcoChem 1 17 WoIvWW 50 8 wometco so Woodwlr 160 Woolworth 1 Worthing 120 Wnelev 3a Wurlitzer 80 9 2016 30 20' ft WyandW 20e 1 6 13 '12ft 13 94 Xerox Corp 1 208 2504 29014 394' 284 11 32 14 20 6 5 42 15 111 62 15 22' 4 Ml Ml 10 8 46 37 IS 83 13 1 3 11 23 24ft 28 15 26 2494 23 14 8 71 29 41 ft ttft 51ft 12 71 Net Close Chg 42 1 34ft 36 33ft ft 34 9i 3594 94 ft 55ft 52 56 26 51 34 38 27 27ft 69 20 48 12 37 44 30 28 17 34 46 6 52 52 85 1110 10 205 3 48 5ft r4 40 14) 8 33 199 20ft 16ft 40 39 2394 17 10 26 61ft 31 28 High' Low Close Change 9363 9210 9322 33 4712 4628 4686 11 MW 8748 8605 114 9 34ft 21 25ft 45 5 16 1 16 22 ft 18 W' 51 23 16 nft 18 53T4 1721 40H 4656 88 20'4 15'4 36 43 74 18'4 28 76 38 17 13 22'4 47 22 56 68t 128 rt 183 61 19 17 61 73 7 85 1 17 21 36'4 57 1fi 14 28 28 57 120 38 26 26 69 20 48 12 81 29 33 28 8 25 41 18 6 28 59 21 39 22 11 30 16 7 53 29 25 7 53 28 30 36 76 51 60 9 33 13 20 35 63 38 53 38 515 21 15 12 17 27 11 36 21 Z70 27 25 11 38 89 Z120 2 26 27 28 193 77 X7 2 90 7 50 40 164 8 X19 30 5 21 33 10 31 68 K0 79 15 11 11 37 82 17 53 169 39 44 56 98 20 5 36 10 25 57 33 33 THE DOW JONES industrial average ended with a gain of 201 at 89042 after a morning loss of 306 (fURMlNT AP OK PlCKCtP iAf 0N4I A ML HM HSR tMi PIRCtP UMAIXV 9tCM A LIITM SARMBW CUtflMIft 61ft 43ft 100 58ft 31 84' 2tnt 53' i 9 14 34 17 120 120 130 150 120 15080a 49 10 44 61 26 48 26 69 53 26 44 17 30 46 38 128 46 40 24 25 25 55 19 23 44 87 46 33 15 18 38 30 19 19 2T 77 31 16 25 30 43 25 76 86 43 12 32 12 48 142 20 42 51 41 22 5 SalM (Hds) High Low x6 28 39 21 X146 37 st 2 39 63 5 1 639 Z120 50 3 10 28 4 34 120 4 io 24 15 65 36 70 31 39 15 33 11 760 47 92 46 33 90 56 94 36 27 19 64 87 57 54 31 71 56 3 12 22 7 2 5 46 34 35U 4 42 24 22 4 30 116 150 488 x21 20 10 91 4 X2 63 X7 9 56 18 14 144 Z90 30 51 28 85 51 30 49 18 60 24 39 28 36 93 35 45 45 23 59 59 68 50 89 30 63 45 66 82 23 68 27 16 65 52 31 30 38 29 54 24 27 47 25 46 284 16 34 48 88 50 27 32 96 9 20 7 87 7 5 21 8 18 32 93 81 5 3 9 68 37 10 34 43 34 12 41 25 10 43 1 37 10 34 4 43 33 4 12 40 4 1 52 26 13 30 51 720 103 31 69 26 203 36 100 39 27 39 51 27 40 5 39 31 18 22 33 9 45 50 35 66 13 9 30 48 6 1 1 1015 11 618 119 12 S3 36 z20 149 31 3 50 33 82 65 9 52 26 36 33 39 58 56U 7 106 27 31 70 21 94 30 40 28 15 Volume reflected considerable caution in Wall Street where the string of three advances was regarded mainly as a technical recovery from a vastly condi tion No fundamental change had occurred in the finan cial and economic background 19ft 31ft 98ft 48ft Mft 43ft 35ft 30ft 42ft 12ft lift 35ft 53'4 STft 12ft 23ft 48 28 46ft 29ft 41ft 22ft 37ft 23ft 16 36 13 1 88 I 33 32 4 X10 17 71 30 6 15 21 1110 17 20 210 6 6 5 76 34 3 2 9 5 21 8 18 14 X62 3 27 10 2 38 38 46 32 23 18 57 7 39 20 22 19 73 53 50 67 50 27 5 3 28 19 213 43 32 200 26 29 31 7 33 18 20 16 11 35 36 38 23 17 10 60 30 35 30 18 73 136? 9 40 20 47 13 30 14 3 65 48 41 48 40 57 47 26 3) 7 hi 12 15 9 33 13 21 35 63 38 54 61 47 92 48 34 90 57 95 23 38 68 36 NfiTi 243 100 152 160 5 inate i i Tl" 'V ISft 16ft 22ft Mft 7ft 2 306 13 162 8 7 36 70 X60 54 8 14080 120 112 I Low 42 34 ft 35ft 33 ft 34ft 35ft 368 59ft 48ft 65ft 13 87ft 10 27 85 25 ft 20ft 66 37ft 70ft 120ft 118 110 27 ft 29 30ft 32 ft 24ft 26ft 29ft 33 ft 25ft 35ft 35' 29 28 35 26ft 3tft 18ft 31ft 98ft 47ft 52ft 43 34ft 30 39ft 1214 lift 34ft 5214 36ft 12ft 23ft 22ft 62'4 47ft The different breed of cat Hit 22 is hert 49ft 27 87 33ft 77 39 32ft 85 28ft ft 9 ft 32ft ft 59ft 30ft ft 31 ft nft 75ft ft 37ft 47ft 1 43 ft ft 46 31 15ft 17ft 37ft 30 ft 38'4 82ft 57ft 82 32ft 26ft 13'4 51ft Mft ft 18 27ft 32ft 40ft 34ft ft aui 43ft 44ft 98ft 93ft 21ft 20ft 214 14 9 '4 59ft ft oj 23ft 61ft 31 ft 33ft 1966 highs 1966 lows TRADING VOLD KR (for May 35 18661 NYJE STOCKS today SUPERVISOR WANTED 1314 ft 22ft 8ft 736 ft 15ft ft 33ft ft a 14 25 17 25ft 27'4 15ft ft 9ft Lift ft 6ft ft 11514 12ft 2214 22ft ft 47ft 31ft 92 4ft ft zzft 18ft 58ft 43 ft 42ft 17ft 2714 24ft 17ft 55ft 2 34 6 57 80 12 120 164 32 45 25 9 34 536 9 7 3 4 5 128 3 44 Cotton and Rubber STANDARD UTURES CLOSED quiet No sales Spot No i ribbed smoked sheets t24 NEW YORK COTTON UTURES oaie nigner to go previous close Net Low Close Che2730 0 2245 222OO6 2231 2200 0 2200 2IS5 O5 2170 0 W2UBU 2103 18 38 29 37 38 43 9(1 19 5 161 STAUAKD OUR'S INDEX 29 39 18 43 98 33 40 5 39 31 18 30b 150 60 40a 190 43e 19 18 61 70 32 56 32 50 29 32r 59 53 50 35 66 13 9 30 1 48 The very fact that the market had resisted decline was one reason why it advanced analysts explained In addition the latest remarks by William McChesney Mar tin Jr chairman of the ederal Reserve Board were regarded in the financial community as reflecting a much softer attitude than previously in regard to the need of a tax increase or more credit tightening 23ft Total Year ago Jan 1 to data 1965 to data NYAE BONDS Total today Year ago Jan 1 to date 1965 to date Sales Net (Hds) High Low Close Chg 17 39ft 61 23ft250 102ft Z3U z200 I Z10 1 5 I 19 112'4 111ft 34" 52 28 2714 18ft 3'4 18ft 17 48ft ft 25ft I'l ft ft 83ft ft 18ft ft 20ft 1654 '4 Uft 14 35 39 43 39 23 31 49 28 31 58 53 49 35 66 13 9 30 Afilt 476 138 130 138 6 95 1 64 19 39 27 39 120 140 120 AMONG OTHER AIRLINES Northwest rose Braniff Delta Continental 234 United Pan American 1 4ft 11 4 55ft 52 5714 26'4 24 18ft 54ft 26ft 43 37 35ft 16ft 49 82 13 331 48 47 35 27 19 63 87 56 54 30 60 18 81 26 49 22 30 28 20 46 23 30 80 35 Sou Gas 130 Sou Nitro 70 SouthPac 150 South Ry 280 sou Ry pf 1 Swest PS 64 Spart Ind 60 Spart Ind wi SpartCorp 40 Sperry Rand bperRd pf450 SquareD Staley 120a StBrands 260 StdBrands wi Std inan 66 std Kotlsman StOHCal 250 StOCal pf33O StOillnd 170 StOilNJ 160e StdOilOh 220 Rtn Oh nff375 st Packaging Std Press StanWar 150 Stanray 60 Starrett 80 StauffCh 160 SterchiBr 80 SterlDrug 80 StevensJP 2 Stew 150 StokeVC 80b StokeVC pf 1Stone Web 3a StoneCont 50 Store rBdcst 1 Stouffds 50 Studebaker SuburGas 68 Sub Prop 152 SunChem 40 Sun Oil lh Sunbeam 105 12 sunas pr Sundstnd 120 Sunasco Sunray 140a SunshBis 228 SunshMng 50 SuperOil 75g Swift Co 2 Swingline 70 SymWay 130 at 28 72 71 2 34 27 92 67 19 10 24 89 25 44 21 20 28 26 73 34 30 35 25 20 24 30'4 162 204 197 32 23 29 33 30 23 118 11 83 13 6 X14 7 54 27 30 84 office or phone if it's move convenient Inboduce yourself Then give a Stockbroker To Know some basic information such as your name address social security number and a bank reference That's all there is to it You don't even haveto fill' out the form yourself Hell do it for you And doing business with a Stockbroker Yo Know is just as simple He'll give you the fads you need 318 SI 103 36ft 52 4714 20 ft 10ft 33 ft 41ft 2414 21 39ft 37ft 46 28 ft 56 224 2594 60 J5ft 3ft 34ft 21 ft 39ft 2S 914 ft 31ft Mft 31ft 31ft 37ft' 37ft "ft 51 38ft 18ft 30'i 9ft' 19ft lift 38 23ft' 39ft 29 43 28ft 3ft 7(1 3ft ft 16ft ft 3 17 67 16 53 3 44 15 9 45 8 122 33 42 28 72 72 34 9714 185 106 101 106 4 201 2UMi 14 24 39 39 25 160 13 2 30 16ft 21ft 28 64ft 17ft 2814 33ft 25ft 51ft Uft 40ft Uft 32ft 3ft Oft 2294 73 22 47 31 92 Ifift 110 105 zzft 18 58 43 42' 17 28 24 ft 17 17 55ft iBU avt zsft 95 95 63 63 1ft 22 37 23 16 3614 13 52 8114 6ft 31 1514 SS 48 4414 3714 3014 HHk E14 drt 24 26 27 23 13 88 10 27 85 25 21 66 37 18 82 26 49nit 30 28 20 46 23 30 80 35 75 29 25 12 46 55 49 32 21 25 49 15 37ft 82 2ft l7ll 53 172 3 39 1 41 3 27 8 10 655 See if now at JAGUAR CLEVELAND WMRC SERVIM II UI86RTHI Sato aawi Maaday ad Tan tutu tHt Sarrica Warinaday aMPM 1020 Mayfield YE 24400 Largart Spart Car Daater la Ohio Among key stocks represented in averages Eastman Kodak rose 4 Texaco Union Carbide l'i Kennecott and Anaconda DuPont lost 2 23 3 23 20 S52 19 3 11 5 15 18 12 34 31 67 35 2 Teledyne one of the most recently admitted elec tronics issues on the Big Board made another big leap to 115 Polaroid rose 6 airchild Camera 5 Texas Instruments (new) 3 Zenith 3 Admiral 2 and Motorola 1 26 1914 64 87 57ft 54ft 30ft 61ft 18ft 82ft 49 22ft 30ft 28 20ft 46 30'4 80 35'4 73ft 75 29ft 29ft 25ft 25ft 12ft 12ft 45ft 46 60 23 21 6 5 49ft 18 ft 17ft 38ft 19 10ft 22'4 91ft 24ft 38ft 68ft 34ft U14 30ft 68ft 98'4 43ft 73ft0ft 85 10ft 17ft 48 12ft 20ft 42'4 15ft 34 ft tn 30ft 30ft zi? 18 61ft 23ft 39ft 26ft 37'4 Uft 30 ft 21ft 69 26ft 44 16ft 29 46ft 126' 46ft 37ft 24ft 12ft 23ft 25ft 28ft 16 2714 25ft 15ft 30 14 52 24 24 50 57 21 25 1 i 27 31 38 13 62 22 2215 31 10 62 24 89 68 51 67 40 8 65 23 61 38 18 43 98 36 17 X66 x21 8 13 85 8 41 23 8 48 11 42 13 52 7 47 4 8 3 36 52ft 2714 85ft 5044 30 18ft 58ft 24 ft 39'4 27ft 36ft 93'4 34ft 45 44ft '22ft 59ft14 68ft 50ft 89 ft 30'4 60ft 45 65 8214 68ft 2614 16 6514 51 30ft 29ft 37ft 28ft 53ft 16ft 34ft 48' 88 26'4 53 ft 28ft 16ft 39 ft lift 57 ft 39 ft 20'4 22ft 19 73 53 4914 50ft 274 31ft 19 120 116 9 ctorA 70b i afnrB 220a kirCam 50g air Hill 15 airmont 1 alstatf 76 am in 130 ansteel Met ar West in awick 66b I edderCp 60 edMog 1 so ed Pac Klee Pac pfl I ed PapBd I edDsir 160 enestra 1 4 29ft 4 30ft 25 33ft it 9 24 ft 33'i ft sii'4 20 Mft 9 140 37 69 32 5132 15ft 18 37ft 30ft 19ft i 55 ft ft 38 ft 82ft ft 57 ft ftJ 39ft ft 33ft ft 37ft 33V 37ft ft 48ft 1 43ft ft 11714 114 31'4 84 72 33ft 50ft 33 ft 18ft 33 17'4 107ft 101 40 ft 27ft ft 81 1 23ft ft 83ft ft 28ft 14 95 ft 1 64 1 64 ft 51 ft Jaeger 60 Japand 22e Japand fn 22e lewei 3) JewelT nf3 75 Jim Walter I JohnMan 220 JohnsnJ 140a JohnsSv 120a JonLogan 80 Jones 270 JonesAL pf5 Jorgensen 1 Joslens 50 Joy Mfg 125' Kaiser Al 1 Kais Cem 80 Kan CPI 148 KC Soulnd 2 KC Sou pf 1 Kan GE 120 KanPwLt 93 KayaerRo 60 Keller Ind lb Kellogg 120 Kelsey Hay 2 Kendall Co 1 Kennecott 6 Kennecott wt Ky Util 124 KernCLd 260 KerrMc 130 KeystonSW 2 KimbClark 2 KmgSel 120a King DSt 50b Kinney 8 40 Kirk Nat 40 KLM Airlines KIM Mr I fn Koehrmg i 90 a 26 is uppers 10 Koppers 4 Korvette Kiesge 1 60 Kresge wl i Kroger 130 38 3 14 123 1415 x468 PAINE WEBBER JACKSON CURTIS Membra of iho New York Stock Exdung TexETrn TexGasT TexGaaT TexGSui Texas Ind lb Texlnst n60 Tex Oil 10 TexP Ld 35e Tex Util L44 Textron 1 ThatchGI 80 Thioko 125e Thom 66 Thomasvl 70 I rnrittyor H) Tidewat Oil TideO pfl 20 Time Inc 190 TimesMir 80 Tim RB 180a Tish Real 70 Toled Ed 128 ToledoScale I TootRoll 40b Tornng 160 Tract Sup 50 Trane Co 80 TransWAIr 1 Tran in Transam 90b Transitron TranswnP 50 Tri Cont 20e Tricon pf250 1 ivw Tung Sol Twent Cen UARCO 90 Udylne 1 60a UMC Ind 60 Unarco 40 Unil Ltd 42 Unil NV 46 UnCamp 172 Un Carbide 2 Un Elec 112 Un El pf45O Un El pf350 UnOIICal 120 UOCal pfl 10 Un Pac 180 UnPac pf4O Un Tank 2 Unishops 60 UmtAirLin 1 7 Unit AirLin rt I UnitAirc 160 Unit Artists UnitBisc 120 Unit Carr 1 UnitCorp 40 UnltElastic I UElCoal 180 Un 1 Unit in Cal Un ruit 35 UGasCp 170 UnGimp 108 Greenf 160 Unit Indust Unlndus pf42 Unit MM 120 Unit Nuclear Unit Pk Min UnShoe 250a US Borax 1 USorS lOle USrht 180a USGypsm 3a US Ind 25e US Lines 2b 765 73ft 81 79ft 81 151ft 14914 149ft 3ft 31 164 Sales Net (Hds) High Lew Close Chg 9 21ft ZU4 5 31ft 31ft 31ft ft 15 49 49 14 43 37 36 37 Z160159 159 159 30 61 43 28 26 25 171A 325 6 18 47 4 6 6 411 116 104 a 200 70 10 zio268 60 5 17 87 8 25 32 4 19 7 3X26 32 32 79 II94 3 6123 47 49 130 142 5 32 37 19 19 33 33 34U 34'4 13 12 TX 32 32 32 1L1K 37 116 116 116 25 47 40 66 34 1 18 43 10 70 46 102 87 48 2 9 29 5 10 6 £180 2 58 9 28 88 3 23 26 12 12 82 16 12 12 8 50 7 258 6 6 3 39 94 35 55 21 38 25 44 66 1 39 32 45 34 21 24 49 32 Cflllf ck I CallithM 31f Chlum Hrr 1 CampRL 45a Camp Soup 1 Can Dry 1 Cdn Brew 40 CdnPac 1 50a Canteen 0 Cap Bdct Carhofrun 30 Careyli 60 Carlisle 70 CaroP Lt 128 caro TT 60 Carp sil 1 12 Carrier 160 CarrGenl rarierW 40a Case I Castle Cke 1 CaterTr 1 20 Ceco Cp 120 CelanesrCp 2 Crlan pfA4 50 Cenro Ins 30 Cent dv 60 OntHud 128 i ent in it 1 Cen HI PSv I CenMrPw Cent SW 150 Ccntsoja 140 Cerro 1 60b tepd AO CessnaA 140 Chadbn Goth ChftmpP 1 30 Champ 8 2 20 Champ pf 4 50 ChaseM Bk 2 Checker Mot Chemetn 150 hemwav 20 Chea Va 1 60 Ches Oh 4 hesebrou 68 III Chi Gt West ChiGW pf250 ChiMil StP I ChiMSPP pf5 Chi Music 80 ChiANWest 4 pf 5 ChlPnru 180 (ImRI Pac ct Title 180 Chnek 40 ChnsCft IJOf Chrysler 2 1 cmn GW 1 10 ClriGE pf 4 Cm Mill 160a err iiio CitiesSvc 160 i Citsv pf 440 City Jnv 50b City Stores Clark Eq I ClrvEllll 156 Clev Pit 350 Clevite 210 ChiettPea 80 coast St Gas CocaCola 190 CocaBtlK 110 Colg Pal 90 ColhnAlk 120 CollinRad 50 Col uel Iron Collr pf275 ColoIntG 140' colt Indust Coltlnd ptt60 CBS 120b Col Gas 136 Col Plot 56t Col SoOh 140 Comb Eng 2 ComICra 180 ComOr pf45O ComSolv 120 ComlSol pf90 Comw Ed 2 Com OU 48 Comsat ConeMill 120 Congoleum 1 Con Cig 120a Con Kais 180 ConEdis pf 5 OonElecInd 1 Con ood 120 Cn rght 120 ConTeght wl CnNGftR 270 CnNGas 270 Consln Coal 2 ConsPuw 190 ConPw pf45O Containr 120 (W Air 80 ContBak 220 Cont Can 240 ClCan pf 375 Cont Cop 40 Cont Ins 260 CtMtgel 168ft Cont Mot 40 ContOll 240a Cont Oil pf 2 ContSti 180ft Control Data i Con Data pf2 CookCoff 85t i Cooplnd 180ft i Cooper TR 1 Copeland lb CoppRng 25ft Copwdstl 120 Com Pd 160 CorngGWk 2a 50 CoxBdcas 40 Crane Co 160 Crane pf 375 Crew'ent 90 Prompt Kn 80 CmwCol 1 39f crown orx (Town Zell 2 ('rue Stl 120 CTS Corp 40 Cudahy Co Cummins 70 CiinenPrs Ml CunnDrug 70 Curtis Pub Cuit Pub 3pf CurPub W)pf Curt Wr 1 CurtWr A 2 Cutler CyclopCn 180 CyprusM 120 DanRiv 120b Dana Cp 220 DaycoCp 50b Dav PL 124 DPL pfA 375 Deere 160a Del Hud 140 Del Pow Lt Delta Air I DenlISp 120ft DenRGW 110 DeSotoCh 70 IMEdis 140 Det Steel 60 DeVllbls 110 DtamAlk 110 Diamlntl lbO Dirtaphon 80 iHeixild 40b DiGiorgio e0 innersd 50b Disney 40b Disl Seng I Dis Sea In 1 DivcoWy 120 DobhsH 80 Dr Pepper 90 DodgeMf 120 IkmeMn 80ft Domd 147ft Donnelley 60 Doug Alrc lb Dover Corp 1 Dow Chem 2 Draper 120ft Dresslnd 125 DrevelR 160 Duffy Mott 1 Dunlin Coro duPont 250e 41 198 ourom pifnu Duq Lt 150 DuqLt 4pf 2 Dura Cp 80a uymoina ynamCp Dynamcp 80 lb7668 7(2 34 1 32 35 4 20 97 x3i zio x30 80 49 58 23 11 13 234 3031 62 118 2 8 33 3 15 34 61 30 43 2 10 15 5 76 7 X23 37 22 50 7 26 z40 567 X58 10 80 94 rx25 XL Sales Net (Hds) High Low Close Chg 21 T7 26 Jl 5830000 5333280 881981223 567012577 30 95 Hi J4H 39ft MU 47 33 xlS II' 14 3 93ft 69 19ft 104 25ft 69ft 25ft 44 22ft 20ft 2814 74 ft 34'4 31ft 35ft 26ft 20ft 25 30ft 33 1 Mft ft 27ft ft 29ft ft 33ft 25 35 4 36ft 40ft ft 119 15 30 2 Hiltonln 119t 12 non Electron Holid Inn 40 Holly Sugar 2 Holt MW 80 Homectk 160 Honeywl 110 Honeyw pt Hook Ch 130 Hoover Bali 1 Hotel Cp Am I twuo ina wi Houd Ind 2 i Houdln pfl 12 Houd pf 22S Houw in 1 Hou pf44O Houst LP 1 Howard John Howards 56t Howmet 60 Hlntrt Hupp Cp 1st T4 I IdahoPw L30 Ideal Cem 1 lUCentnd 240 310 511 x9 26 16 55 33110 97 68 12 14 22ft 39ft ft 37ft ft 4ft 82ft 18ft ft Uft ft 46 ft 60 1 36ft ft 82ft 1" 31 ft 30' 9ft 45 102 102 Of 2 30 1 iUutkvte 1 2460 35 46 6 7 17 217 48 8020 19 97 30 20 12 165 7 0 325 9 7 33 Mft 42ft ft 33 ft Even at the start auto stocks did not seem unduly upset by the report of a decline in industry car sales for the mid May period Erasing early losses they presented a firm picture at the close General Motors was up and ord while Chrysler was unchanged American Motors was off 10'4 26ft ft 60 ft 30ft ft 27ft ft 32ft ft 96ft 1 120 1 37 HI Pow Lo JO mt Alt U04M pw pra2i Ill Pw NIB Indian Hd 40 Ind Gen 30 IndplaPL L20 81 27ft 32ft 27 8ft 2uft 2ft 1 41ft 4114 ft Mft Mft 14 3814 3914 3914 20ft 22ft 1 Uft lift ft 2914 30ft ft 16 16ft ft 'V i'l 28 28ft 50 ft 51ft 14 38ft 334 46ft Aft 25 4014 4014 241 314 52 ft 28'4 ft 20 15 65 Transactions in stocks used in averages Indus 5 420000 Rmls 93500 Util 73200 65 387700 BONDS 40 Ronds 10 Higher grade rails 7750 10 Second grade rail 10 Public utilities 8411022 10 Industrial Income Rail 7585 071 Commodity futures index 13566057 HAT STOCKS DID Wed Tses C47 889 4U 318 243 196 1403 16 49 ft 3494 ft 27ft 43ft ft 70 143 1894 ft 54ft ft 25 ft 1 43 lft 37 1 34ft 33ft 3614 14 47 14 19ft 28' 77 ft 31 ft Mft 84 ft 87ft 38 38ft 26 ft 86ft 33 ft 77 38ft 32ft 85 2814 9 31 59 ft 30ft 14ft Mft 43 ft 49 ft 19 14ft Two Clevolend Officai Union Commerce Building TOwer 1 5300 SheratonClevelnd Hotel TO 1 0800 Bahhlit BabrokW 12 Bak OUT 50 Balt GK 144 BaIGnfB 450 BallG pf 4 Balt Ohio BangPun Sug Bangs pfl 25 BarbOil 343t Basic Inc Ml BalesMfg 40 Balhlron 140 BauschLb 80 RnxfrT 94 BayukClg 50 seamuist sv Beat ds 150 Beaunlt 150 Beckman 50: Becton 40 BeechAr 70b iBeechLS 130 Belco 50 eld Hem 70 Bell How 50 Bell Intcontl Bendlx 240 'Benefin 160 Bent cvpf45O Ben in pf43O Ben 5pf250 jBenguet 06e IBerman Leas BestACo 140 Beth stl 150 Bigelows nMI BtackDk 140 Blaw Kn '140 BlissLau 1 80 Bliss EW 1 BubbleBk 60 Boeing 120 Roisef'asc 25 1 BolseC ln40 Bond Strs 1 BnrttMh 120a Borden 131 Boren ar 2 Borman 80 BosEdis 176 Bost Me Cl BoalMeCp pf Bran Air 5iie gran Air wl Brigg Str 2a BristMy 120a Bwyllale 120 BklynUG 150 i Brown Co 60 BwnShrp 120 BwnCo pfl 50 BwnShoe 210 I Brunswick Bucklnshm 1 Bury Erie Budd Co 80 BudeIn 64b Buff or 1 SO Bullard 60 Bulora 60b BunkHill 120 Burl Ind 1 Rumdy So Bnmdv wi Burroughs 1 BVD Co 50 Calgon 80 Oil inanl 1 37 15 101ft 100ft an at 32 53' 9 10ft 106 32 13 24 3ft 17 12940 1214 25 25 15 26 5'4 38 38 ft 48 ft 481 38 31 36' 57 ft 231 96 63ft 41ft 22ft 37 23 16 36 13 52ft 83 6ft 32ft 15ft lift 22ft 48 45ft 3914 3014 522 6ft 15 ft Uft 32 48 ft 45 ft 3894 3 30'4 39ft 37ft 46 6 28ft 56 22'1 25ft ft 59 ft ft 35ft 3ft 1i 34ft ft 20 ft 30 ft 4 $4 37ft 2 38ft 18'4 30'4 14 9 ft is1 37' 53 7ft 1 17'4 14 20ft 10ft 34 ft 44ft 3 ft 2114 50ft o50 50ft ft 46ft 4514 46'4 46ft 4514 46 ft 33ft 33 33'4 3594016 35'4 ft Mtr 03 40ft 39 39 36 35ft56ft' $5 21'4 21 38 '374 25 25 44fti'44 66ft 64ft 39 39 Ms 35 24 21 20 4ft 32 32 Sales (Hds) High 100 19 13 8 18 1H3 373 2U 71 31 52 155 17 257 2 14 43 103 30 120ft Z30 118 3 110 28 63ft 1 17 ft 28ft ft 33ft ft 25ft ft Sift 14 14ft 39 ft 12ft ft S2 ft 3 ft 394 ft 17 ft Its just as easy to open a brokerage account with the 46'4 ft 23ft ft 18 ft 39ft lft 4ft ft 8 Un 44ft 4 ft 5ft ft 234 464 ft 40ft 28 100ft 51'4 53ft 10 'i 32 1 23ft ft 1314 30 '4 51'4 13' ft 31 'tj Vi 69 Eagle 140 EastAirL 15e Easts Stl 90 Kodak 140a EatonYa 250 Eaton pf 119 Echlin Mf 48 EG4G 20 ElasStop 140 ElliondS 172 El Music 12g ElStorBatt 2 El Assoc 60t Electron Sp Eisrin WatchElPasnN'G 1 lEltroCV 160 Emer El 132 I EmerRad 40 EmeryA 120 lEmhart 120 I nioDiSt 144 lErnpormC 75 1 End John 2 EndJohn pf2k unget md i Kquit Gas 2 EneLack RR En Leark pf Essex Wire 1 EthylCorp 60 Eurofnd 15e EvansPd 60b Eversharp 1 ExCellO Cp 3 35 5 101 7 0 7 550 5 25 312 7 12 22 tlO 7 19 13 12 155 157500 114000 102100 67700 65500 63900 63300 61800 61200 59800 59100 55000 53900 53600 51100 AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK Sales closing and net change of the five most Mocks traded bn tha American Eviianie weunesuoy Westec Corp 71100 Nat Video 51900 ed Resrc 41800 Asamera OU 39300 Day Mm 34500 AmCham 160 Amt'runl 160 AmConsum 1 Am Credit 72 1 AmCyan 125 ATnDist 140a AmElPw 1 32 A Enka 110a AYnExp Isbrn AExIsbm 116 AmHcMit 1 20 AHome 1R0a Am Home prj Am Hwp 40 AmlnvCo 1 10 Am Md 90 AM Cl 190 A MntPd 140 Am Motors ATnNGas 180 Am News 1b A Optic 125b Am Photorpy APntash 150 A Resivh 15a Atn Seat 1 AYn ship 60 A Smelt 260a A Snuff 120n AmSoAfr 140 AmRoAf fn 140 AmSoAfr wl Am St4 1 Am Steril 70 AmSuaar 140 AmSug pf 08 Am TAT 230 i Am Tob 56 I AW pref 1 25AmZinc 140a Ametek 1 AMP Inc 60 lAmuex in Amphenol Ctf i S7 Anaconda le AnchHG L40 Ander Clay 1 lAnken CTiem Oil 61t ArchDan 160 Anz Psv 92 Arlan Str ArmcnSt 3 'Armour 166 Armr nf 475 ArmaCk 126 ArmCk pf375 ArmRub 166 lArvInln 120b i Ashland Oil 1 Asd Brew 40 Asad DG 140 AaadSpring I AaadTian 86 Aasoclnv 140 Atchison 160 Atchl pt 50 AtCItyEl 114 AtICLIn 3a AtIRtch 266 AtlRch pf37J I AtIRch pf3 Allns Ch 8Oa Atlas Cp 'AtlaCp pf50k lAuslNICh 50b ARA Inc 30 Aeco Corp 1 Avnet 50b Avon Pd 130 26ft 36ft 33 ft 39 58 56'i ft 4 27'i ft 31ft ft 70ft ft 21ft 24ft ft 38ft 94 31ft 1 J114 31 17 31ft 98 48 54'4 43 35 3094 42 12X4 11'4 ft 35ft 1 52ft ft 3794 12ft 23 ft 62ft 48 25ft 46X4 29 19 ft 37 1 ip ft ft YngstSht 180 32 35 3494 35 ft YngtStDr 90 6 1 Ift 94 7 i Zayre corp 30 3294 94 ZenlthRad wt: 22 76 194 Zenith Rad 3 87 153 149 15294 394 ale figure are unofficial Unless otherwise noted rate of div dends in the foregoing lidri are anhual disbursem*nt based on the last quarterly or semi annual dectaraUon Special or extra dividend or payment not desig nated a regular art Identified hi tha following Also extra" or drtttfc Annual rate plus stock dividend Liquidating dividend Declared or paid In 1968 plus stock dividend Declared or paid so far this year Payable in stock dur ing 1965 estimated cash value on cx divi dend or ex distribution Jate Paid last year Declared or paid after stock divi dend or spilt up Declared or paid this year an accumulative MMe with divi dends in arrears New Issue Paid thia year dividend omitted deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting Declared or paid in 1966 plus stock dividend Paid in stock during 1966 estimated cash value on extVidend or ex distribution date Sales in full Called Ex dividend Ex divi dend and sale fn ML Ex distribu tion Ex rights Without war rant With warrant When dis tribute When Ismtitt Next day delivery in bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganited undertime Bankruptcy Act or securitte assumed by such com panies oreign issue subject to in terest equalization tax ii i mt 2194 25ft 49ft 25 24 35 18 74 25ft 93ft 69 Mft 1(1') 2494 94 89 ft 25ft ft 44ft 22ft 20ft ft 28 27 73 ft 35'4 26'4 20 ft 25 30ft ft 203'4 114 Nat Airlin 60 NAviat 528e Nat Bisc 190 Nat Can 50 NCashR 120b NatcttyL NatDairy NatDairy Nat Dist NDist pt425 Nat uel 148 Nat Genl 20 NatGyps 2b NatLead 75 NPeriodcl 80 Nat Prop 60 Natl Std to Natstarch 70 Nat steel Nat sug Nat Tea Natomas Neisner Bro Neptune 140 Nevada 84 Newoery EngEl NEngTT NRnvTT Newmont 2 NewpNSh 2a NYAirBrk 1 NYCenl 206a 34 33 2494 2494 26ft 27 27 23k 931 1Wi5 6 irM2 Other volume leaders included Eastern Air Lines up ua ovivi vuip 0 8 DunMrnuijw naytneon 3ft American Airlines 2 lower than th Open Dec Mar Muy July Oct IW Mlddllnr spot 13155 unchanged thoaunal Bld 18 61 2394 4014 26 38ft 13 30 ft 21ft ft 69 52 ft 44 17 30ft 46ft 38'4 128 46 40'4 24ft Net close Chg 28'4 28ft ft 20 20ft 194 36 37ft 9 Mft 1794 37ft 19 10 5 7ft 3494 lift 2994 68 9694 43'4 73 Oft 85 9ft 9ft 14 47ft 12 20ft 41 15 34ft 61'4 D0W40NE8 AVERAGES NEW YORK AP) inal Dow Jone stocK? to Wednedy High LewTCIose Net Ch 30 Ind 88702 89498 681 29 89042 201 (irs zszun zai 231 UH 017 UtlS 13681 13775 13O6 137184 034 Stks 31282 315M 31058 31366 057 Remember how easyjt ws to open your bank account? 38 ft 67'4 12 41 18'4 35 21 19'4 18 61 69 32 54'4 56 '( 50'4 28 ft 32 59 27 54 28 164 40ft 11 98 7 39ft 2294 19 73 53ft St 39 33'4 1894 94 4 3 41ft Ki 1 i It 17ft lift 16 441'4 68 5094 66 39 8ft 65 40 28 77 21ft 55 20'4 2994 48 219 18 59 95'4 23 ft 30 ft 33 20 24 194 118 3 74 3 19'4 28ft 76ft ft 38ft 9 18 13'4 14 14'4 22ft 48ft 22ft ft 42 Al 39'4 ft 15 3494 ft Uft 14 714 1 ft WHY AM JEWELRY COMPANY EARRUM 4ALM HKYRoCKETlrfili 2 52 28'4 28ft 35 26 ft 31ft 32 40 ftjnu 38 1 86ft ft 2894 71 ft 25 94 32 ft 39ft 23 ft 10 94 198 94'4 ft 304 40 14 28ft AS INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS looked over the current position of the market in the framework of the economy more of them were tempted to use at least some of their free funds for stock purchases brokers said General American Oil was the most active issue ris ing 35a to 397g on 157500 shares S935000011062 00013529120001066235000 AMERICAN EXCHANGE Total today 1950000 Previous day 2207755 MIDWEST EXCHANGE Total today 385000 Previous day 255000 1 PDD DOT TRANSACTIONS (for May 24 1966) Purchase Sale Short Sales56693 406554 100C 67ft 65 '4 37 ft 111ft 34 ft 52 ft 2i 25" 54'4 54 26ft 26ft 25 24ft 52 ft 28 85'4 51 30 49 18 60ft 24ft 40 28ft 36 93 252 17 539 15 76 OEtfpfalt urrr IbRAY Bl lOul I 1 1 0t1A 1 iZUnMl fiZ mL 1 wi an uria WvwWirate CwMurw ft in i iniiii 94 iMjMWOHOJUWWOXur Tnr TD tL I Tin a I 1 Wil ft wraaara vitk 1 Kmmt at Parae Webber Jackson jaM by fpingraa fear ample fMMAltogedw4tanayMafan as loiwfen matei Here's what yon da Stop bi ManyPme Webber Vi iU 37i wwt Rncompltcaterf'laotfa*ge 2 gether yoe can reach bwestment detiaon tat i KfBVBBI BB'BOBBSt SugMKHMBMM MTtnv RnYorwH wnraML What could be eaareailDpmra' pbQBeQdw ft ST filfti ano seMOB'yMnaab fi 'T4 I 4 i 20a 1 10 10 10 Alena 1 60 25 KI 4 Amaisg 120a 4 26 2B lb 16 2S 26 2n 1U Alnercon 190 2 44 41 44 JUnerada 280 242 81 81 AAirHtr 140 1 40 39 40 AniAirlin 125 591 66 66 42 Am Raker 1 5 37 17 17 4 AmRnvh 60 40 26 25 26 4 AmBdcst 1 60 79 79 79 jftn 220 86 53 52 53 4 Am Cem 60 II 10 10 30 11" Sales (Hds: la Coast 4 la Pow 128 17 ft la PL 152 55 lft lorldaStI 80 14 luor Corp 20 ft MC Cp 120 20 ft MC Cp wi 12 ft oodair 90 27 dGtMkt 80 2 ft oote CB 70 xl ft oote 25d 17 194 ordMot 240 29 1 oreDair 50 43 ft ostWh 140b 17 oxhoro 80 34 rom Cp 140 2 ft rank Str 40 5 reept Sul 1 28 raehCp 170 97 2 ultOlln 661 26 36ft 37 43ft 43ft ft 29 29 ft 28 28 ft 37 39' 1 127 127 36ft 36 ft 19ft Mft ft 25 45'4 45'4 21 si 37 38 38 38 45 45.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.